Sunday 2 January 2011

Trouble and strife for EastEnders' Tamwar

INTERFERING mum Zainab Masood faces her son Tamwar’s fury when he finds out she’s been ­sounding out girls to be his wife.
The horrified teenager thought his parents were interviewing girls for a waitress job at their new restaurant Argee Bhargee.
But when he spots his friend ­Zulekha in the queue he pulls her aside to ask what she’s doing looking for a job at the eaterie.
She lets on that Zainab has made it pretty clear it’s not just a waitress she’s looking for – she’s hoping to find a suitable wife for Tamwar.
The furious lad rushes straight back inside to confront his parents and can’t believe it when his mum admits that is exactly what they have been doing.
Zainab is desperate to make her son realise they were only trying to help and does her best to talk him round.
But, as our picture shows, Tamwar is disgusted with the way his parents have acted.
An EastEnders insider said: “Zainab and her husband Masood think it would be a good idea to start looking at ­suitable girls in their community for Tam.
“They use the fact that they are ­interviewing for waitresses as a bit of a cover. They want someone to start working at the restaurant who can ­become part of their family – and, hopefully, one day their ­daughter-in-law.
“Tam has no idea what they’re up to and is mortified when he finds out.
“He feels a complete idiot and ­wishes they had come to him first before ­lining up potential wives.
“He really can’t believe it. Zainab does her best to convince him that he needs to start looking now before all the best girls get snapped up but he just doesn’t feel comfortable with the whole thing.
“It’s going to take some doing for him to come round to her way of thinking.”
Fans can catch the drama ­concerning Tamwar and his parents when the ­episode is screened on BBC1 a week on Thursday.
Source: The Daily Star

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