Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Coronation Street: Super slim stars hit the street

CORRIE stars Beverley Callard and Debbie Rush look like super-slim soap stars as they show off their new bikini bodies.
Beverley, who plays brassy landlady Liz McDonald, went back to her job as a fitness instructor in an effort to beat her bulge.
The 53-year-old, who put on weight while battling depression, was determined to be slim for her wedding - which she almost put off after putting on two stone in a year.
But after launching a boot camp class, 5ft 5ins Bev dropped from a size 14 to a size 10.
The mum-of-two, who married John McEwan, 45, last October, told Closer magazine: "I feel like me again. I was never obese, but I have to work to be slim and when I slowed down, the pounds piled on. I wanted to be slim for my wedding. In the end, I was able to get into my dream dress. I felt a million dollars." because I felt so happy and sexy to have my old body back."
Bev's co-star Debbie, who plays café worker Anna Windass, told the magazine she had dropped four dress sizes in four months.
The 5ft 1ins actress admitted she'd piled on the pounds over the years.

She said: "In my 20s I was always a size eight, which was perfect. I never had to weigh myself and I ate sensibly. But in my 30s I crept up to a size 10 and then a 12."
And landing a job on the cobbles didn't help Debbie's waistline as she found herself binging on the on-set snacks.
She said: "After starting at Corrie, I really let myself go without realising it. We worked long hours, and there was so much food on set - it was hard to resist the lure of the Corrie canteen."
But thanks to an intensive diet and fitness regime the 44-year-old has managed to shed three stone in four months.
Debbie added: "I'm back to the same size I was in my 20s and I feel so good about myself."
The full feature appears in this week's Closer magazine, on sale now.
Source: The Sun

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